Brigitte Cayer

Mrs Chantal Vaillancourt


Sandra Cayer Monast

640, boul. Industriel # 108
St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, J3B 7X4
Québec, Canada

See the itinerary

T. 450-359-7622

T. 1 800 561-4972

F. 450-359-7623

Contact the company

Since 1991, Nutrifrance Ltd has been manufacturing under Olivier Bouvai's trademark. It's a high quality batter with a unique taste to bake: muffins, cookies, cakes ans since few years now, OMAX nutritious bars. Our products can be found in grocery stores, hotels and restaurants. For more information:

Exported products

Frozen bakery products: Muffin & Cake Batter, Cookie Dough as well as baked and wrapped Oatmeal Cookie and Nutritious Bars. Your private label partner.