Since its inception, the Group Export has made it a point of honour to accompany its members to the most popular trade shows around the world.

We help you get the most out of your trade show investments. Our export consultants will direct you towards the trade shows that will help you break into new markets, boost your sales and increase your company’s reputation, while supporting you with all the necessary preparation before attending. 

Careful trade shows’ selection

Each year, the Group Export carefully selects the food shows to which it will participate with its members, in Canada and internationally.

Each trade show is selected based on several factors, including market potential and accessibility for Quebec exporters’ products, to offer a program adapted to the needs of its members.

Trade shows are a strategic and privileged place to present your products to national and international buyers, to analyze the competition, to enter new markets or to consolidate your gains with existing clients.

A turnkey presence on the markets

Despite all the interest they represent, the organization of these large-scale professional events, both internationally and in Canadian markets outside Quebec, remains complex and requires precious time.

Always keeping your interests in mind, our export advisors offer complete guidance and support, starting with registration. We plan our members’ presence rigorously:

A turnkey formula where nothing is left to chance!

Financial assistance within your reach 

The Group Export’s activities are supported by both levels of government and fees are subsidized through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) and the Export Fund.

These funds support the participation of exporting companies in activities that allow them to get in touch with foreign buyers and work on developing new markets.

Eligible expenses for this financial assistance include:

  • Rental space for a booth at trade shows
  • Additional booth accommodations
  • Shipping costs for samples
  • Customs clearance and handling of goods
  • Travel and accommodation expenses, etc.

Grants can cover up to 75% of expenses.

Trade shows: being well accompanied makes all the difference in the world!

Discover the upcoming trade shows

Group Export participates in about 30 events each year. Which ones will you attend?

Learn more

Your sample shipments simplified

Group Export takes care of shipping your packages from your warehouse to your booth.

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Have a question?

Contact our team to discuss your projects or to get advice on your development strategy.

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