Food processor


Contact the company

Mr. Vincent Breton


Mr. Jasmin Pellerin

Director of Export Sales

Mr. Mario Goulet

Marketing Director

Mr. François Michaud

Logistic Director

Mrs. Isabelle Gingras

Quality Controler

1312, rue St-Georges
St-Bernard, G0S 2G0
Québec, Canada

See the itinerary

T. 418-475-6601

Contact the company

Always raising its standards, Les Viandes du Breton stands out today for its commitment to reinventing pork production through methods that respect consumer needs, animal welfare and the environment. Rustic and organic livestock programs are at the heart of a strategy that took off in 2000, making Les Viandes du Breton the first organic and natural pork producer in North America. Its high-quality products are marketed under the duBreton brand.

Exported products

Complete line of Organic Pork Products