Mrs. Monique Poirier


Mr. Abdoulaye Badiane

General Director

2720, rue Sherbrooke
Magog, J1X 4G1
Québec, Canada

See the itinerary

T. 819 571-5659

Contact the company

123 Santé - J'aime mon équilibre! is a company located in the Eastern Townships that specializes in the processing of organic vegetables into healthy snacks certified "Quebec Vrai". It markets dehydrated organic vegetable crackers with the following characteristics: 100% organic and vegan; gluten-free and without cereals, added sugar, nuts, flour, dairy products, additives, colorants or preservatives. Each cracker contains nearly 75% of vegetables, the highest content of healthy snack on the market. Four (4) bites equals to one vegetables serving.

Exported products

Dehydrated organic vegetable crackers marketed under the brand RÉMIS (beetroot and tomato-kale flavors).