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RangeMe Premium

Date and hour From April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2025
Mélissa Rhéaume
1 450 649-6266 ext: 218

RangeMe is a network that allows you to present your brand to buyers mostly from the United-States.

Showcase your products to thousands of buyers

  • Brand Profile : Build visibility with leading retailers by highlighting key brand information that buyers look for.
  • Product Pages : Customize product pages to show buyers essential product and company details like MSRP, price margins, packaging dimensions, and more.
  • Profile Sharing : Share your brand profile with buyers on and off of RangeMe and track engagement.

Make informed business decisions

  • Industry Insights : See what product details are driving buyer engagement, such as MSRP, margin, certifications, and popular search terms.
  • Profile Analytics : Track your brand’s performance, learn which retailers are viewing your brand, and see which products are receiving the most attention.
  • Sharing Analytics : Track visits, clicks, and messages from buyers you have shared your profile with.

Submit your brand directly to retailers

  • Retailer Submissions : Build brand awareness and new relationships with buyers by directly submitting your brand to select retailers.
  • Category Review Alerts : Get notifications of when to submit your brand to retailers whose buyers are actively reviewing products in your category.
  • Submission Messages : Help your brand stand out and create a personal connection by adding a custom message when you submit your brand.

Gain up to 7x more buyer visibility with RangeMe Verified

  • Retail Readiness : Get RangeMe Verified™ by meeting the minimum requirements to work with retailers, such as having insurance and barcodes..
  • Prioritized Placement : Increase visibility by appearing above non-verified brands on buyer search results.
  • Verified Badge : Instantly let buyers know you’re retail ready with the RangeMe Verified™ badge.


Options :

  • Member price – Activation of RangeMe Premium for one brand (member company) (845,00 $)
  • Non-member price – Activation of RangeMe Premium for one brand (non-member company) (1 495,00 $)


Learn more

Financial assistance

Subsidies have been applied to this activity for the members of Group Export Agri-food. The following price is therefore the balance, to pay entirely.

By registering for this event, you agree to complete an activity report which will be sent to you later. The data collected will have the sole objective of assessing the economic impact of this activity.

The subsidized subscription to RangeMe Premium is valid for one year from the date of activation.
A RangeMe account (free) is required prior to Premium activation.


The signature of a company representative on the ECRM registration form serves as agreement to a formal contract between the company and Group Export. The company will pay a non-refundable deposit of $200 to cover administration fees in the event of cancellation. If so, this cancellation must be done at least 45 days before the beginning of the event and addressed to the Export Advisor in charge for the activity, whose name is indicated on the show’s invitation. After that date, 100% of the invoice will be charged to the company.

Upon receipt of the duly completed ECRM registration form, an invoice will be issued. Payment can be done by check, bank transfer, credit card debit card by contacting our accounting department at 450-649-6266. The following terms of payment are applicable:

  • 1st payment of 50%: upon receipt of invoices.
  • 50% balance payment for each ECRM event will have to be done 60 days prior to the event.
    Upon failure to respect terms of this policy, Group Export reserves the right to cancel the company’s participation and will keep an administration fee of $200 per event.

Group Export cannot guarantee that financial assistance will be available for ECRM events if registrations are not sufficient (minimum of 4 companies). Should we have to cancel due to lack of required participants, the company will be reimbursed in full for related amounts paid to Group Export.

Group Export does not in any way guarantee that an activity or trade show will be held on the dates indicated on registration form. In the event of any date change, Group Export will inform concerned companies, and these new dates will be included in an addendum to this form.

Cancellation by company:

Any cancellation requests must be written and addressed to the Export Advisor in charge of the activity at least 45 days before the event to obtain reimbursement of amounts paid (except for the $200 administration fee). After that date, a 100% of the invoice will be charged to the company.

Policy Update: January 2020

Member subscription

Non-member subscription
