Technical and commercial professional services

Québec International

Contact the company

Ms. Francine Lapointe

Director - Foreign Market Development

Ms. Davina Michel

Business Development Director-Exportation

Ms. Elizabeth Morency

Business Advisor - Development of foreign markets

1035, Avenue Wilfrid-Pelletier
Québec, G1W 0C5
Québec, Canada

See the itinerary

T. 418 681-9700

F. 418 681-1535

Contact the company

As the economic development agency for the Québec City region, Québec International’s mission is to accompany businesses within its territory through their growth challenges. We are also the ORPEX (export promotion organization) for the Capitale-Nationale region whose mission is to support Quebec SMEs in their market development process in Canada and abroad.

Services offered to companies

Our team of professionals helps guide you in realizing your market development strategy. Our services are aimed to new exporters as well as seasoned exporters who wish to strengthen or diversify their markets