Once you have returned a signed copy of your agreement, you may submit invoices for reimbursement of your activities.

Here are tools to help you on this task :

Tutorial – French Only

Claiming Guide – French Only

There are various forms to be completed before sending us your claim

Annex B – Application for payment of financial assistance

  • Please list all invoices that are related to the project. Document: the activity number, the identification of the supplier, the date and number of the invoice, the amount before taxes and, if applicable, the currency.

Annex C – Project Report

  • At the end of their agreement, participants in the SEB program must send MAPAQ a document evaluating the benefits of their project. Project reports will be customized for each project. You can ask us for your personalized document when you are preparing your final claim. 

Annex D – Table of eligible expenses

You can claim your activities up to 60 days after the end date of your agreement. Any claim submitted after this date can not be processed.

Don’t forget to keep copies for your own files.

Please send your claim by email to seb@groupexport.ca 


Hicham El Ghissassi
Vice-President, Programs and Market Development
T +1 450 649-6266 #206  |  C +1 514 839-1985

Lyne Desmarais
Advisor, Government Programs
T 450 649-6266 #210