Banks, insurance, financing and legal advice

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Mr. Roch Simard


407 rue McGill
Montréal, H2Y 2G3
Québec, Canada

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T. 514 439-2848 #1

Contact the company

Are you a company that relies on exports to grow and develop new markets? Then you know how crucial it is to secure your payments and minimize the risk of non-payment. But did you know that by entrusting your payment risk to a credit insurer, you can increase your international success? For almost a century, the A.U. Group has been committed to helping companies succeed in their international expansion by offering them tailor-made credit insurance solutions. With 260 experts in 40 countries, we are at your side to structure, negotiate and implement the best credit insurance solutions for your strategic needs. Our strength lies in our unique expertise and structured intervention. As the world's leading consulting group specializing exclusively in credit risk transfer, we have privileged access to global credit insurers such as EDC, Allianz Trade, Atradius, Coface, Intact, AIG, Lloyd's, etc. We are therefore able to negotiate the best terms and conditions on the market for you, thanks to our persuasive power and weight with the insurers. By choosing the A.U. Group, you benefit from tailor-made and personalized support to optimise your contractual conditions. We are committed to minimizing your risk of non-payment and to offering you unequalled financial security for your international development. Don't let bad debts hinder your growth and join the 4,500 clients who have already chosen our expertise for successful international expansion. Trust our passion for credit insurance and contact us today to discuss your credit insurance strategy and needs.