- Grocery
- Spices, seasonings, ingredients and additives
- Soups, sauces, marinades and condiments

1470, Rue Thomas Powers
Lévis, G7A 0P9
Québec, Canada
T. 581-500-3100
E.info@firebarns.comFirebarns Sauces Inc. are a growing food manufacturing company, whose mission is to offer premium quality products. Specializing in the manufacture of condiments, hot sauces, BBQ sauces, marinades and HACCP-accredited spices. Our goal is to open other markets. We are open to co-packing for other manufacturers.
Exported products
Hot Sauces (8), BBQ Sauces (12), Siracha, Condiments (regular and spicy ketchup, regular and spicy mustrad, bacon and siracha mayo), Spices (5)