Professional and trade associations

Union des producteurs agricoles

Contact the company

Mr. Marcel Groleau


Mr. Charles-Félix Ross

General Director

555, boul. Roland-Therrien, bureau 100
Longueuil, J4H 3Y9
Québec, Canada

See the itinerary

T. 450 679-0530

F. 450 679-4943
Contact the company

THE REGIONS: In addition to providing training and information for their members, the regional federations coordinate the UPA’s actions. The work they are involved in is of concern to all farmers: promoting the profession, managing and protecting farmland, property tax, agroenvironment, etc. The building blocks of the regional federations are the locals—one local in each of the 92 regional county municipalities spread across Quebec’s 12 regions, giving the UPA a presence across the entire province. THE PRODUCTIONS: Farmers also come together within specialized unions based on their type of production. These unions—numbering well over a hundred across Quebec—are organized into the UPA’s 27 specialized groups. The specialized groups do the work involved in developing production: marketing, quality, traceability, promotion, research, etc.