Group Export is particularly grateful to its government and private partners for orchestrating its various activities, such as the Summit on Agri-Food Export and the Alizés Evening.
Government Partners

Our mission is defined as follows: “To promote a quality food supply and support the development of a prosperous and sustainable agri-food sector that contributes to the vitality of the regions and the health of the population.”
In Quebec, responsibility for the agri-food sector is entrusted to MAPAQ. This sector covers all activities related to agriculture, commercial fishing and aquaculture, food processing, and the food trade.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is contributing to Group Export’s activities under the Agri-Marketing Program, an initiative established under the Canadian Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture. This agreement totals up to $5,512,400 over three fiscal years from 2023 to 2026.
Main Partners

Agri-food is a unique sector. So should your financing, Grow your business with a financial partner who understands agri-food. With over 100,000 clients, large and small, and a portfolio in excess of $33 billion, Farm Credit Canada can help your business succeed.
With the financial support of the Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation, Inno-centre helps agri-food processing SMEs across Quebec to improve their performance and accelerate their growth. With a team of 125 advisors, Inno-centre offers a wide range of expertise in operations optimization, logistics, human resources, corporate strategy, marketing, digital transformation, social responsibility, and sustainable development.
Export Development Canada (EDC) is a Crown corporation that helps Canadian companies of all sizes succeed abroad. EDC provides them with the tools they need – commercial knowledge, financing and insurance solutions, equity investments, and networks of relationships – to prosper with confidence. In this way, the organization promotes job creation and prosperity in Canada.

The Fonds de solidarité FTQ is fully committed to being the best financial partner for Québec’s agri-food companies. Its team of specialists understands the daily business realities of these companies and offers financing solutions tailored to their growth challenges, whether for exploring new markets, innovating processes, or making acquisitions. With its patient capital, the Fonds actively supports entrepreneurs at every key stage of their company’s development, with a particular focus on those planning for business transfer or succession.
National Bank offers financial services tailored to agri-food exporters and importers, on both national and international markets. Specialized teams across Quebec offer invaluable advice to optimize your operations and manage financial risks, thereby promoting business growth.

Inspiring the agri-food industry is our promise to enable companies in the sector to better understand the market and global food trends in order to develop and maintain their competitiveness.
Thousands of companies have already understood this: for over 20 years, SIAL Canada has been their annual catalyst. An elaborate sectorization process meets the needs of the retail, foodservice and food processing sectors, all under one roof. The wide range of know-how, innovations and products on display are an inexhaustible source of inspiration for the industry of today and tomorrow.
Communication Partners

Agro Québec is a consulting firm that develops and implements specialized positioning and communication strategies for businesses in the agri-food sector in Quebec. Through La Scène Agro and its various distribution platforms, Agro Québec creates original content and provides a range of visibility tools for companies and organizations within Quebec’s agri-food industry.
Since 2008, EDIKOM has been connecting people and products through its media initiatives, such as L’actualité ALIMENTAIRE, followed by nearly 10,000 subscribers, and DUX manger mieux. In 2020, EDIKOM launched a 3PL logistics division specializing in refrigerated and frozen food products, serving all of Eastern Canada, helping to bring products closer to consumers.