Meet the people behind Group Export Agri-Food

Vice President, Market Development and Government Programs
Hicham El Ghissassi
450-649-6266, ext. 206

Director, Market Development and Business Intelligence
Audrey-Ève Néron
450-649-6266, ext. 205

Logistics and Transport Director
Catherine Richard
450-649-6266, ext. 209

Labelling and Regulation Advisor
Khawla Boughanmi
450 649-6266, ext. 211

Communications & Marketing Advisor
Vanessa Ferland-Berry
450 649-6266, ext, 212

Customer Service and Administrative Agent
Melissa Pérez-Santes
450-649-6266, ext. 214

Labelling and Regulation Technician
Jessica Polidori
450-649-6266, ext. 213