- Cereals, flour, semolina, pulses, pasta and others
- Snacks and sweets
- Snacks and nibbles
- Grocery
- Spices, seasonings, ingredients and additives
- Nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, peanuts and others
- Natural products and food supplements
- Soups, sauces, marinades and condiments

376, Avenue Victoria, Suite 200-J
Westmount, H3Z 1C3
Québec, Canada
T. 514-928-9773
E.ssinger@fodyfoods.comAll FODY Foods products are certified low FODMAP by Monash University in Australia. Products are all created to meet the diet standards for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). We have a complete range of products and all are of the highest quality, all natural ingredients, non-GMO, gluten-free certified, and some are also USDA Organic.
Exported products
Low fodmap, gluten and lactose-free: nutritional bars, salsa, BBQ sauce, pasta sauces without garlic and onion for sentivities, trail mixes, soup bases, BBQ sauce and more!