Technical and commercial professional services

Contact the company

Mrs. Marion Trin

International Project Manager

T. 438 795-9068

Henri Desrochers

Mrs. Catie Lagorce

Payable Account

Mr. Pélagie Peter

Mr. Didier Demange

1470 Peel, Suite A-152
Montréal, H3A1T1
Québec, Canada

See the itinerary

T. 438 795-9068

Contact the company

ALTIOS is consulting company which has been operating for 30 years in the international development of businesses, and which is present in 22 countries with more than 28 establishments. ALTIOS in figures is more than 300 subsidiaries managed on behalf of clients around the world, more than 250 employees in our various locations, more than 8,000 clients - startups, SMEs supported since 1991, more than 430 professionals (Market experts, Finance and HR) and 40% of our clients are on the agro sector.