Technical and commercial professional services

Carrefour Québec International - Région Centre-du-Québec - Estrie - Mauricie

Contact the company

Mrs. Anne-Marie Lamothe

Export Project Manager

Mrs. Rachel Tardif

Export Project Manager

T. 819 475-0039

338, rue William
Drummondville, J2C 3C3
Québec, Canada

See the itinerary

T. 819 475-0039, poste 150

F. 819-475-3918

Contact the company

For the last 20 plus years, Carrefour Québec international (CQI) has been helping companies develop their sales outside Québec. With locations in the Centre-du-Québec, Mauricie and Estrie regions, CQI is fully aware of the realities and challenges facing companies operating in outlining regions. Innovation services are also provided in the Centre-du-Québec area.