Food processor

Rito Mints/Menthes Rito

Contact the company

Mr. Peter Nassif

Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Stéphane Leclerc

Sales and Marketing Director

375 Dessureault, C.P. 312
Trois-Rivières, G9A 5G4
Québec, Canada

See the itinerary

T. 819-379-1449

F. 819-379-0344

Contact the company

Not only is Rito the largest Canadian manufacturer of candy mints, it has also built a fine reputation for both its products and its expertise. Quality and service are two ingredients at the origin of more than 50 years of excellence. More than a simple mint, Rito traditional mints are offered in several flavours, including white mint, wintergreen, spearmint and digestive mint. We also manufacture conversation hearts. Available in small and large formats, these personalized hearts will satisfy the sweetest of passions.

Exported products

traditional mints, natural and organic mints, seasonal products, conversation hearts